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Mediocre at best.

This wasn't any good at all!
It was pretty long, but it DID have some story to it all.
The graphics were pretty lame and sloppy, and the sounds were pretty poor.
Considering it's Origin, I guess it could pass as Moderate.
It's nothing in todays standards though.


I try to be as nice as possible with these old, unwatch submissions, but now I regret it, because this stinks!
If this was resubmitted today, it would be blammed with an approximate score of 0.15/5.00
Not a doubt in my mind.

Not good...

This was pretty basic in pretty much all aspects of a flash, except for the humour aspect, that was a huge attempt, but a huge FAIL.

The graphics of this was the best part, though they were only average. Everything else was simply average.
No redeeimg qualities for this movie.
Not anything to recommend/come back to.
I gave it a 2/5, because I'm nice that way.

Near identical to #1

As it says in the title... this is pretty much the exact same as the previous Reading Rainbow Movie....
Though, this one is slightly funnier then the previous, which I guess is a good thing.
If you liked the first one, you'll like this one for sure.
If you disliked the first one, chances are, you'll dislike this one even more, unfortunately.

I liked it, worthy of a 3/5 from me.
Good job!


This was decent enough, for what there was..., but it was much, MUCH too short for my liking, it had some average sound, and it wasn't very fun/funny at all.
The guy gets hit in the balls. That's it.
Humourous in the mind of a 12 year old.
To everyone else, you FAIL.


This wasn't very good AT ALL!
The graphics were very scrappy looking, and those explosions simply looked god-awful.
All of the sounds were crap, and the storyline was simply too basic, simply to say the least.

Makes a point...

This flash makes a pretty straightforward point to it, but as a flash itself, this stank terribly!!!
Three stills, along with some low-quality music isnt exactly the type of thing I expected to see.
I thought the music was alright, but the quality of it was poor.
I gave you a 2/10....
And a GENEROUS 1/5...
I never thought i'd say a 1/5 was generous... but you proved me wrong.

Well animated, but too short.

This was pretty well drawn, and fairly welly animated, along with some decent sounding sound effects.
But it was all simply too short, and had little point to it for my liking.

The best part of this was the graphics, and they were barely average.

Good graphics.

I just don't see the point in this sort of flash to be honest... there wasnt much to be to interested about....
It's all very well drawn, but it's just not worth watching.
I give it a four, as it's well made, but it'd not something I'd come back to watch.


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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