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Funny new year stuff.

Not the best flash of yours, and it's not as good as the regular Strategy Guide episodes, but it's still pretty funny!
Short, sudden humour, looks pretty decent, though I find it isnt as good as some of your other stuff.
Audio didn't sound bad at all. I prefer the video game based episodes myself, opposed to the sound, but this can be appreciated by all.
Nice seasonal bonus! 4/5

Too short.

Looks alright, but the cartoon's much too short and simply isn't funny enough to be up to much.
Not clear what's happening, while the voices weren't all too great either, it all seems a bit like a trailer in a way.
Make something with more of a story and you could have a decent movie as a result.

Keep at it.

Not a good sprite movie.

Firstly, don't use lack of experience with flash as an excuse for a below par movie - if you know it's not that good, improve it and/or don't submit it.
There's some good bits, but they're outweighed by the bad stuff, the movie progresses far too slowly, especially in the early stages, and there's not enough funny moments to make it really worth watching.
The music became annoying incredibly quickly and the graphics aren't good - what animation there was wasn't too bad, but for the most part there's nothing moving and the background is poor. Overall, passable but I didn't like it.

not too good.

What the hell was that? It makes very little to almost no sense to me for the most part, first og all, there's no sound, and it's much too short.
Secondly, Some of the graphics look OK but there's not enough animation, and in some places, both the animation and the graphics were poor! With more time and effort, this could have been alright. Sadly, it isn't.

Nice older entry.

Lots of fun to watch, even more so considering it was made back in 2000, even to todays standards, thats pretty good. Most entries from back then look very poor.
The car graphics are very well done, although the drawings of people were poor in comparison. Some nice sounds and great comedic violence.
Worth watching, even today.

Decent Ninja Movie.

This was enjoyable, funny for the most part, with some decent ninja action.
Not brilliant, the graphics were good for the most part, but the explosion at the end wasn't too impressive.
Some of the music could have been picked more carefully, but it's definitely a good entry overall and worth watching.
Nice Job!


Oh man, you aced your flash skill with this one- the humour seems so much better than in previous episodes.
As a Bubble Bobble fan, it's pleasing to see the piss taken out of the game so superbly. The same classic formula taken to new levels, this is great! 5/5!

Funny tyson stuff.

The sprite work looks sloppy by today's standards, and the fights themselves could have been more interesting, only a few major "Ooohh"s in here, but it's still a fairly funny parody, the ending was cool.
This movie would be great if it was remade using sprite techniques of today and a bit of care. Overall: Above average.


Next time you do something, think carefully about the structure of the fight, this was all over the place, I couldn't work out whether it was supposed to be done in a Dragon Ball Z style, ninja-style or what.
Coupled with the sloppy drawings and blan backgrounds, there's not many redeeming features to this flash.
The preloader gives you a good idea of what to expect. If you don't like it, don't watch the flash.
1/5, consider yourself lucky.

wallpaperman responds:

i consider you have no life for writing so many reviews, the sun doesnt burn yknow?

Decent short.

Not bad for a quick laugh, the song is great and the movie is a no-brainer but entertaining.
Not the sort of thing I normally like but I found it fairly funny.
If you'd had incorporated a couple more signs it could have been better in my opinion.
Super for narrowband users as well, with the pretty small filesize.

hence, the word "short".


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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