View Profile j00bie

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Alright Sprite Movie.

I didn't think this was anything really special, but it was alright.

Decent attention to detail with the sprites, good music choices, some violence and the alternate scenes added some extra good things to the movie.

Not a bad effort by any means, I just wasn't too intrigued by it.

Not bad.

You need to work on the sounds, the voice acting was very poor and quiet, and it wasn't that funny either.

Dragged on quite a bit as well, the drawings were pretty good though I must say.

Some good points about this, but there are too many bad points to balance it out.

Good drawings.

The drawings in this film are very good, and the fight scene is excellent.
Having said that, that's all I really liked about this. kinda boring, with very little happening.
The voices were quiet as well, making it difficult to tell what they're saying.
The fight is entertaining enough, I just didn't want to wait for a few minutes for it to start.
Will be liked by a large amount of people, but in my eyes there aren't enough good things about it to rate this very high.


Not bad, fairly funny with some decent looking drawings.

Better than average music, but nothing too special.

It needed more animation.

It's an original concept at least, would have helped if there were some voices.

Matrix and Foamy?

Unique Combination...
Another great Foamy movie. The whole second half where Foamy is moving in super slow motion is great.

A superb parody.

Great Claymation!

That's one of the best claymations I've ever seen here! Tops any of Knox's stuff!
The visual quality was high, and the animation was smooth.
A good funny storyline, a fair amount of violence, effective sounds if a bit quiet and it's pretty funny in places. It's good that the picture is so clear for the filesize. One of your better submissions, good work.

Great work!

It was much better.
Your one of the most talented artists when it comes to regular animation and sprites.
Everything was great except for the sound.. it was only moderate... cant wait for the final one!

Great work!


This flash on its own has alot of stuff going for it.
It has some pretty good graphics, and with a very unique theme.
All of this could be the start of a great series with some pretty cool visuals.
The movie itself wasnt that great, but it was pretty fantastic to look at!


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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