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Not bad!

This isnt a bad stick fight.
I kind of liked the way that the stickmen were drawn, they were somewhat different to how many other movies have drawn them.
There were some good fight elements in this one, though the whole fight seemed completely random, and the lack of sound hurts the score alot!
It's not that bad for something that was made pretty quickly, just for fun though.
Probably would have trouble passing judgment by todays standards though.


This is a nice, short, stick fight, the background was nice, and the animation was pretty good.
It had some good sounds, with a nice plot.
The only thing thay was lacking in this one was the length.
This movie was surely on the short side, but you say it's only a demo, so the final version should fix it.
Too bad it doesnt look like itll come out though, judging by the date of things.


This movie had some animation which was pretty good, but i found it to be confusing, and it didn't make too much sense.
It's just that, some blue guy swaying around to various backgrounds with some music playing isnt too interesting. Sure, it looked cool, but it's fairly low-quality stuff!
It's not a bad flash, it's just that I didn't like it that much.


For a first flash, this is pretty damn good, and I'm not just influenced by all of the NES Mega Man connections.
This could be better with a bit more time taken care of, possibly by adding a preloader and a start button.
Make the movie a bit longer, with more of a storyline, and you'll have a great movie.

This is good enough as is though.
Nice stuff, keep it up!


This stick fight was longer than most other ones, which is a good thing, but the fight itself was a bit crappy, and was too random.
The almost instant recovery from nasty injuries and the weapons appearing from nowhere, added to the lameness of this movie.
The ending was pretty dull/lame/dumb as well.
Not the best stick fight you'll see, but it's decent.

Not bad!

The graphics and sounds were pretty basic, but it has a lot of things going for it (that many movies don't!), an example being: length and a storyline.
Though this movie wasn't massively exciting/entertaining, it was good enough to get a 3/5 vote from me!
Nice stuff!

Needs sound

This is a nice little cartoon, but it would have helped alot if it had a little bit of sound in it!
This has kind of an odd effect here and there, and some background music (Nelly Furtado's song would work here (even though her music is terrible)) would make this a lot better.
Though, I loved the style of drawing.
Great work!


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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