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I usually dislike sprite movies, but I liked this one,
I really did laugh when I saw what Megaman was saying, it was so random it was hilarious.
I must be easily amused right now.. haha, well, anyways dude... some great sprite work goin around here. Some simple, but good graphics... and everything was simply well done, nice job.

Not bad.

This wasnt so bad, at least it's a sprite conversation where it doesnt take forever for the fuckin sprite to say the next line of text. that can be annoying. This speed was just right. no problems with it.
This isnt a bad sprite peice of work, definately a releif from all your other stuff ive been watching all day. Not bad, i like it.

Not bad.

Some good lip synching going on in this one, it's not bad, but the sound quality it self remains pretty poor.
Ah well, it's not too bad I guess... though I didnt think that the graphics were too great, everything else in the flash was, so it evens out.
Nice work man!


Dude, I like your other stuff, but... man oh man... this was simply awful.
The graphics were lower-calibur then usual, as well as the sound quality being horrendous.
I mean, the flash itself... isnt BAD... but the aspects of the animation itself is horrendous!
Sorry dude, this simply wasnt that good.


This isnt bad, the only notable flaw is the horrendous sound quality.
The dialogue was good though, there was nothing wrong with the plot, or graphics, the flash itself is a-ok, excluding the awful sound. That needs some fixing up in my eyes.

Cool stuff!

Wellm this is a definate step up graphics wise, despite this being an "old style", but it all looks good all around!
This one actually was a bit on the full side of things, but the upbeat music kept me entertained enough tos it through the whole thing. It's a good thing I did, because the joke at the end made me smirk a little.
Not one of your greatest submissions, but it won you a Daily 3rd place, so it must be doing something right! ha ha! Keep up the great work!

Good man!

It's safe to say that I thought that this one was funny, as well as I thought that the art could be better.
It made me laugh, but i think the characters need more detail then in this one, maybe it was rushed to get it in on halloween on time, but it's not bad, I just know you can do better.
The main aspect, the humour, is there, so when i really think about this, this flash is a winner! So nice job on a good lookin flash.


This is some pretty good work man, but the sound is painful!
Yoou are talking into the mic way too loudly, or something, because it hurt my ears!
If youre going to voice act, you should record the parts separately, and patch them together afterwards. Recording Live is too hard, and it's outcome is usually poor, as in this case being no exception.
Besides that, there's no real notable problems.

Not bad.

I really liked the storyline to this, as well as the graphical and sound effects, they were great too! You talked too close to the microphone I think, it was a bit unclear and loud/soft at times, as in it would jump different volumes at times.
The scream was really loud, and I didnt even have my volume on that loud. The graphics just needed to be tidied up a bit.


This here was pretty fun to watch, I mean, it somewhat felt like I was watching a real conversation going... well, south, if thats a decent analogy.
It's pretty original, it's nothing I havent really seen before though, but the shocking part about this is the friggin huge filesize.
Your other works are less then a meg, this one is up to 5.
Outrageous! But worth the wait I suppose. Nice work on that =)


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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