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"no, you didnt just see that!"

lol, im surprised i havent seent this before, it was a clock movie, and it was funny!

i loved it, repetitive, yet not repetitive at the same time. nice job!

.....too short

wayyyyy too short, one attack and the guys dead.

sloppy animation, and what they said was so lame...
"thats what people get when they act like me", what a closing sentence for the end of the 30 second long movie.

i think this was decent enough to pass judgement, and since it did, it is definately turd of the week worthy.

well THAT wasnt predictable...

dude! i thought of my card and when it showed up it was GONE! HOLY SHIT! so were the other 5 cards! they magically changed into differentness!

errr, yea... kinda took to long with the procedure and the what not...

but howd you know i was going to get the free porn samples afterwards... soeaking of which, i have to end this review NOW! good job!

MakefunNotwar718 responds:

David Blane can do magic until his fingers turn into apple sauce while I predict pornaholics' next moves. =)


wow, that must have taken a long time to sequence all of those sounds together, then adding in all the flash effects, (menu, reverse, increase/decrease speed, etc.)

front page worthy? maybe... (although it already is)
portal award worthy? no.

very well done for a first submission though.

wow, a weebl movie that isnt a constant loop...

well, think about it, badger, kenya, bonjour, its the same thing over and over again.

this on the other hand, equally as bad, isnt an annoying loop. yet this doesnt deserve any awards whatsoever!

people see the weebl in the portal, and automatically vote 5 without watching the movie! if he were to submit, oh lets say.. a big black dot with a white background, and thats it, it probably will pass judgement.

this flash deserves a scor eof 3.00 TOPS! and its at a 4.25 right now. its just two... things mumbling stuff with text boxes floating over them to translate the nonsense coming out of their mouth.

sure, the graphics and plot was all there, but thats all it was! no humour, no good sound quality, minimal violence, no interactivity whatsoever, and people are voting 10 10 10 10 10 10. see what i mean about voting before actually watching?

this movie is well done, for the easily amused, i am not one to be easily amused, so i am forced to vote lowly...

somewhat decently goodness...

reading all of the reviews that have been rating this movie as a 0, i would have to say that i slightly agree with them abit, but i also support all of the positive points that most of the overall 10's are saying.

you get 0's from people who all worship LF, and you get 0's from people who claim that you suck cock. i dont believe that, simply because most of those people who say that are immature 13 year olds, but the real 0's are saying that your jokes arent funny and your animation sucks.

that is where i agree with them, your jokes only get a small smile out of most people, your jokes arent laugh out loud funny. your animation isnt that excellent (its good though), but it is excellent comparing it too 95% of claymations.

other then that though, this movie is still good, so it deserves a good rating, so thats what ill give you.

nice job.

Knox responds:

nah,actually my jokes mostly get laugh out loud reactions..all the people ive shown my work to around here have laughed there asses off(people at school and crap) :P
thanks anyway ;)

Finish Him!!!

well, this is the second update to your original movie im reviewing, and they do continue to improve each time.

i read some reviews saying that you should make this a series. if you were too, you should just do lots of little short flicks, like this one, rather then making it an actual "series".

the scene is kinda awesome, with the mortal kombatness (hence the one-line summary).

even better job then before, keep up the great work!

MakefunNotwar718 responds:

Thanks J00bie! Great review and look out for more short flicks like this one! ;)

awwww, how cuuutee..

originality thats for sure, no voices or anything, but thats what makes this so unique

i liked the ending, with the little.. farting yellow blob was waving good bye..

smoothest animation, nice sound selection, original, with a little animated violence and humour to go with it.

therefore, a great flash!



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