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This is the ultimate of pointless, yelling for no apparent reason on a shit flash.

The score is unbelievably high for such a shit-calibur flash.


This is some fine stuff!
Worthy of the daily feature award it got.
Best feature is clearly the violence, tons of gore and not one for the kids to watch.
A lengthy crazy zombie movie, with very good visuals but disappointing sounds in places.
Weird in that there's lots of stuff to see before the movie actually start.
It's not one of my absolute favourites, but it's very good and enjoyable, a fine mindless killing spree.

Enjoyable for sure!


I kind of liked this, its pretty funny with a lot of action going on.

Not a bad clock movie at all.
I think it's a bit short, it ended so sudden, and the sounds seemed much too quiet, but they're just minor problems.

The graphics weren't that bad either.
It's replay worthy.

heh. LOL

This is great! it's very funny simply because everything was so random.

If you are a fan of weird freaky-deaky stuff, you'll love this.

If not, turn away now. lol!


Not too good.

Not too great, i didn't like this much at all.

There's nothing really going on in the movie, just a bunch of short animations with some quiet music in the background.

This is massively lacking in storyline, but the drawings were nice. Besides that though, not too great!

Siard responds:

Thanks for your review:)


Great to finally see some quality work on the topic of Newgrounds, very informative of what's going on. Though the scroll bar at the bottom has gotten a little dated, and will continue to in time 'Final Fantasy A+ remains #1, LegendaryFrog fan boys weep'.
That alone gets a 10/10 in humour.

Pretty good graphics, and some partial-decent sound quality. Definately very good for it's filesize.
~X~'s commercial was pretty well done, one of the better parts of the flash.

I haven't visited the NG ARMY thread lately, I've only posted in it a couple times. I dont post there often enough for anybody to truly realise my absence though.

Anyways, nice job on everything! A great combined effort! A well-deserved 5/5!

TheNGArmy responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed the flash, NGA News 2 should come out this month. Expect more humor and the limits to be pushed further.

Thanks for the review!


The outtakes were simply not funny enough.
the deleted scenes are deleted for a reason, so obviously... they werent that great.

There truly were no redeeming features of this flash.

But it's definately passable, just... not that great.

This doesnt deserve a score of 3.65/5.00.
I give this a 2/5.

Your other works are much better, but I guess this was all thrown together real quick.

Violet-AIM responds:

Okay that's fine, it's funny to some ppl and not funny to others. This was also a way for us to just comment on some things about ghost motel. Anyways thanks for the review jOObie and for watching this. :)


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