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What's wrong with Tanner? Heh, good luck responding >:(.
oh well it was pretty funny anyway, i bet that guy is insane. i bet. i bet he is insane, i bet!! i liked the way that fat guy just kept changing and stuff it was strangely effective.


Pointles,, but fun! the music fit in well and it was funny how he just stood there and got killed.
also the obvious lack of effort was pretty funny. the artowrk in this one seemed better then your other 4 movie ive watched, maybe because it was made later and you have improved


Well this is a pretty awsome music vedio this was very well animated.
The song was freaking awsome and each animation was funny and went along with flash.
In many ways this flash was well done each object that went along with an object was also well done.
Nice work on this movie and and a classic well sone music video.


Luckily for you, you put in small tid-bits of violence, or else I would have had to give this a 0/5 opposed to my 2/5.
The graphics aren't very good, even by stick movie standards, the voices sounded pretty poor.
As most stick movies are, there's no plot and the humour is so light in quality and quantity, you don't even realise it.

it's alright.

When you ignore the unrealisticness of the movie, it was decent.
It ran pretty smooth, and the fight sequence wasn't bad, but wasnt great.
Music choice was a bit odd, rap/hip-pop during a pirate/knight fight scene. If you ignore the unoriginality of having two people just fighting, it's alright.


This has everything bad about sticks, all clumped together in one shitacular submission.
Very poor, didnt deserve to pass judgment.

different, but good.

it's not bad for a first flash.
decently long, with some above-par sprite action.
Next time, try to make it run a bit smoother, this was too 'jumpy' and not very smooth.
This is also in desperate need of backgrounds, just black isn't very good.
Still overall decent, 3/5!

not bad

It's different to most things you see on NG, I like to call this sucking up, but still... it's ok, definately enjoyable.
There was some nice music, I'd say it's worth watching.
Created very basuically, but it still looks alright..


It's ok, it looks like it could be a decent movie when it's finished. This just needs some nice backgrounds, and more drawing in general.
If you're going to do a preview, please try and provide more substance next time, this doesnt seem very intriguing like trailers are supposed to be.


WELL, this IS probably as good as a short loop of horses galloping along will get.
But unfortunately, that's all this is.


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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