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Sub-Par, even for sticks.

This was much, much too short!
It had a little bit of action, but it was still, pretty boring to watch.
The background wasn't too bad though, and the few sounds sounded alright(there werent many though), By the time youre done reading this review, you could have already watched the movie... that's always a bad thing... unfortunate, that's for sure.

Decent sound clip

The sound clip wasn't too bad, but I found that there was the odd sketchyness in there somewhere.
It's too bad that the movie was sub-par in pretty much every other respect.
The animation just consisted of the mouth moving, with essentially no violence or interactivity.
The background was well below par as well.
A little bit more work, and this would have been much better.

Not bad

I liked Link's animation, it looked pretty cool!
The music used was cool as well, and considering that the filesize is less than 100K, this is excellent!
It's simply a good ,short, simple sprite movie, at under 100K! I repeat, under 100K!
The VG Dancing genre is getting old though, but still, this is pretty good... considering its less then 100K!
Great work on the filesize, heh.

nice skate

This has some pretty cool sound, the skating was real smooth, but there really could have been a few more tricks to see. It was over real fast.
The easter egg at the end wasnt too great... irrelevance at its finest, heh.
It's pretty good, better then most other skate movies.
I liked it enough to give you a 4/5, nice work!

Funny, but still crap.

I thought it was funny to be honest, but so what if Tony Hawk 2 is unrealistic? There's no need to make a flash where a stick figure dies every five seconds (except for the hilarity, heh).
The exaggeration gets you full humour marks.
Though the lack of sound greatly effects your final score.


This is great in almost all aspects! A great movie indeed!
A great idea put into flash, pretty well too!
There's some great drawing, and a cool background track to go with it!
There wasn't a lot of animating going on, but It's still good!
The O in the preloader was good too! It just looked so... cool!
Well worth a watch, everyone!


This is just a load of sheep, and one of them is drooling.
It's not anything in particular, at least it's well drawn... though it's much too short.
I find this to be a complete waste of my time.
My review is more fun to look at then your crummy flash.

Poor, short..

Not too funny at all!
The graphics were decent I guess, but the story was much too short and pointless!
The absense of sound really brought out the shitacularness of this movie.... youre lucky you even get a 4/10 from me.

Good tutorial!

Great stick tutorial! It points out the basics of making stick fights really well!
It also gives good examples, and it shows the many flaws that, dozens of shitty stick movies have.
I hope this helps some people, hell, it may even help me!


Age 36, Female

student, i guess.

Near Toronto

Joined on 4/17/03

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